Childfree Wealth®

Special Episode 10: Insurance Essentials for the Childfree

Dr. Jay Zigmont, CFP® & Bri Conn Episode 10

In this essential episode of The Childfree Wealth Podcast series, we dive into Chapter 13 of The Childfree Guide to Life and Money, where Dr. Jay breaks down insurance planning tailored to childfree individuals. 

Focused on managing risk and gaining peace of mind, Dr. Jay discusses property, liability, health, and long-term care insurance strategies that fit the unique financial goals of those without children. This episode sheds light on smart coverage choices, from recommended levels of liability insurance to term life and disability policies, empowering listeners to protect their assets with confidence. 

Don’t miss this insightful session on building a personalized insurance plan for a secure future!

Pre-order your copy of Dr. Jay's new book " The Childfree Guide to Life and Money" today to win a Childfree Wealth® Checkup with Dr. Jay! To Enter simply send proof of purchase to

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#Childfree #InsurancePlanning #RiskManagement #FinancialSecurity #PersonalFinance #ChildfreeGuide #DrJay #FinancialFreedom #LiabilityInsurance #LongTermCare #DisabilityInsurance #ChildfreeWealth #SecureYourFuture

The Childfree Wealth Podcast, hosted by Bri Conn and Dr. Jay Zigmont, CFP®, is a financial and lifestyle podcast that explores the unique perspectives and concerns of childfree individuals and couples.

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Disclaimer: This podcast is for educational & entertainment purposes. Please consult your advisor before implementing any ideas heard on this podcast.

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